Frequently asked questions

Why would I donate & how can I donate?

AniTrend already dropped all in app adverts since v1.0. Currently we can only dedicate so much time into making/maintaining the application and donations will support the time we spend on creating and fixing the application. AniTrend is an open source project, thus the help I get is from other people who don't get paid for the time spend.

The idea for asking for donations is to allow the funding of large features, most of which are going to the development of v2.0 and would really help to speed things up. In addition donations would really help the growth of the application and we could be able to provide higher quality features like direct image uploads without embedding links, streaming of anime from popular provider like CR and other tracking sites support for sync.

You may use patreon to donate, and if you've never heard of it: Read more about it here

What is the release date for v2.0?

Currently no estimate can be provided, we will inform you a month prior before a public release starts rolling out. However if you're one of the patreon donators or the few of the selected closed beta program then you will get a functional releases updated weekly 3 months before a public release.

Update 1: All the ground work in (architecture) reached the beta stage since January 2020

Update 2: Initial design stage for UI & UX stage since May 2020

This information will be updated when there are new/significant changes to v2.0

What is the difference between AniTrend & AniList?

AniTrend is just a 3rd party mobile client (not affiliated with AniList) that connects to AniList to display what you would more or less see when you go to the website. What does this mean? It means all the anime and manga entries shown in the application are owned by AniList and we have no control over that.

Why are application features only translated & not things like synopsis e.t.c?

As mentioned above AniTrend doesn't own any of the data that is presented from AniList so If you want that you want anime, manga, character information to be translated you have to contact AniList regarding that (keep in mind that the forums on the website might have information regarding that too). AniTrend only provides translations for application features

Will you ever support language "X" or update translations?

AniTrend translations are done by other users like yourself and I (reason why some translations are updated late) so If you want support for Language X then you need to join our Discord Server from there just ask one of the admins how to go about it in #general

Currently we are not accepting new translations as v2.0 is going to be a completely rewrite of the current application

Can I stream anime or read manga?

This is not a streaming or manga reading application, rather it is a social platform for anime/manga fans that allows you to track your progress and find new listings. In addition to that showing copyright content that we do not have ownership or the rights to display is piracy which we do not employ nor support. This is why there are links to different streaming services in the anime details page.

How can I view 18+ content?

This is against Googles policy, showing adult content would violate the T&Cs. But why can app x, y, z show 18+ content and nothing happens to them? That's a good question, just because app X doesn't get caught doesn't mean I should do it too.

Do you guys have any plans to work around this? Yes we do by providing of the application through F-Droid & Play Store (for the non 18+ version). For the moment we have a separate build which you can download here.

After downloading the version mentioned above you will need to enable NSFW settings in app and 18+ Content in your account settings

N.B: You will automatically get updates for the NSFW build as long as the option is enabled in settings through AniTrend inbuilt updater

Why is anime or manga X, Y, Z missing (not listed in the app)?

As I pointed out earlier AniTrend is a 3rd party client and doesn't add anime or manga entries into the AniList database rather the AniList community adds or edits entries some the mods over at AniList will check and approve or disapprove whatever has been added. You can also do this on your own if you find a certain show or information missing from any entry.

You can add new entries that don't exist on the platform? AniList Guidelines & Data Submissions

Why do notifications only show up when I launch the app?

On the contrary notification work as expected on plain android operating system devices like the Pixel devices. Unlike stock roms from Samsung, Sony, Nokia, Xiaomi, Huawei e.t.c that usually customise the android operating systems to fit their needs. Most of these companies commonly force stop the application when close remove it from your recents screen to improve battery life but results in notification never being checked in the background.

How can I work around this? Depending on your phone you can add AniTrend as an exception to you battery saver if possible if not you will have to go into the application settings and enable the "Notification workaround option". Look up your device model on https://dontkillmyapp.com/ and follow the instructions provided.

The Google android team has said that they will work with various manufactures to assure that scheduled tasks can run as intended to fix this issue (this might be in future versions of android).

Here's some technical information as to why this happens on different phones Work Manager Not Running when app clears in Task Manager & Android. Is WorkManager running when app is closed?

Last updated